I found this un-marked, un-attributed poem after a coworker pulled it up to teach it in her class. I was astounded at how good her writing was -- not that I don't expect my coworkers to be good writers, but this poem really resonated with me. Then as I read more closely, several of the lines felt eerily familiar. I thought, "We have really similar writing styles." I read through the poem again. Then I thought, "I think I've written some of these lines in a poem before." I googled the lines to figure out who the author was -- it didn't come up anywhere. Then I searched folders on my computer and realized that I wrote this. It's nice, sometimes, to be impressed by yourself, and I hope that doesn't sound too pompous -- I don't fancy myself much of a writer. It was a pleasant surprise.
The sway of the
flowers reassured her.
She could breathe
Surrounded by
springing grass,
She made for
herself a pillow
And let her
sorrows flow away.
A light buzz was
in the air,
The bees hummed,
but too, the
energy grew.
It was May.
The clues were
No longer would
this grief
intertwine with
the tenacious sun,
a discordant
strangling her
Breath after
She took in fresh
and it filled her
veins with hope.
She could begin